Advance Royalties Update


We’ll pay £500 each month for your designs!


TemplateCloud is an online marketplace where graphic designers – like you – can upload designs and earn unlimited royalties. You create designs for Flyers, Leaflets, Business Cards, Stationery, that kind of thing, then we turn them into editable templates for sale online.

We’re unique.
We sell your design templates via different websites across the world. Each time a customer uses your design, we pay you a royalty. We’ll also prepay you £5 each submission for up to 100 designs each month- that’s guaranteed.

Getting started is easy, you just need Adobe InDesign and an internet connection, then just get creative.

If you need help with resources, you can even use Fotolia images. Just choose from millions of images in the image library and use them in your designs – for free!

Read this article for more information.

So what are you waiting for? Visit and start earning a guaranteed income for your designs.

Terms and Conditions:

    1. One account per contributor.
    2. Limited time offer. Applies only to designs supplied and approved up to 31.12.2012.
    3. Payments can only be made directly into bank account provided.
    4. All sales Royalties earned from the sale of designs pursuant to the template supply agreement will be offset against the total Advanced Template Royalties paid.
    5. You may not terminate the template supply agreement until Template Royalties in respect of each design supplied pursuant to this promotion exceed the advance payment.
    6. Offer limited to a maximum of 100 designs per contributor, per month, approved and accepted by us at our discretion.

Design Briefs for New TemplateCloud Designs


Need some inspiration?

 Design briefsTo help give you some new ideas for putting together your TemplateCloud designs, we’ve written some design briefs to help get you off to a quick start.

These briefs feature header, subheader, body copy and design ideas for specific sectors. The industries featured are those recently requested by end clients looking to use TemplateCloud designs on their marketing material.

You can download these PDF briefs here.

Not signed up yet? Do it today to make sure you make the most of our current Advance Royalty payments of up to £500 per month, read more about this here.

Happy designing!

V is for Versatile

How to use V Layers in your designs


Want to know how to create editable images behind vector objects?

We’ve added some new functionality to TemplateCloud that along with the new image library will help you make your designs even more flexible for the end user and help you sell more of your designs. It’s called V layers.

V layers mean that you can create irregular shaped editable images as well as having editable images behind locked vector graphics. The result of this is that elements such as images can now be editable along with overlaid text.

So how does it work?

It’s really easy to add this versatile function to your designs. All you need to do is create a mask (or masks) of the shape you want – essentially a vector object on it’s own layer. For example, in this design I’ve created a simple cyan rectangle in InDesign and then punched out 4 circles using the Objects > Pathfinder > Subtract tool:

Next, create a new layer. The layer should be labelled starting with ‘v_’ this is a v_ layer. V is for Vector (not versatile, but it sounded better as a header). Put the mask shape or vector object onto this layer. Your label should be labelled, for instance v_Mask 1. The three images in this example are then placed behind the mask in the layer order like this:

Once your V layer is in place you can then add your editable text as normal above it.

The example above has more than one V layer.

The extra layers (coloured in brown) are for the white circles and the white lines on the artwork. You can add as many V layers as you like, but you can only have one vector element per v_layer.

This is how the same file looks to the end user:

Using a V layer gives you a great deal of creative flexibility when building your designs. For example the design below uses vector objects as V Layers that overlay an image, making the image behind editable. The two blue shapes are locked and the text on top is also made editable:

So here the image is editable and so is the ‘Need to get fitâ?¦â? text.

Key points:

  • Label your layer as v_ (v_mask for instance)
  • Only use vector shapes on V layers
  • Only one item per V layer
  • You can have more than one V layer per design
  • Position any images that are to be editable through your V Layer below the V layer
  • Remember that V layers aren’t editable by the end user

To see an onscreen demonstration of this, watch this video for more information.

Any questions post them below.

Happy designing!