Trust & Safety
Giving you peace of mind
Giving you peace of mind
TemplateCloud is owned and operated by plc,
a company listed on the London Stock Exchange under the tracker PDC. The company has a network of franchise stores operating in the UK, France, The Netherlands, New Zealand and America.Your TemplateCloud account details, including your password and bank details, are encryption protected on our system to ensure the highest possible level of security. Data protection is very important to usat TemplateCloud and any personal information you supply to us is used with the sole intention of arranging royalty payments and communicating relevant changes and updates to TemplateCloud services and systems. We will never share your details with any third party and we will handle all data we receive from contributing designers in line with the the Data Protection Act.
Furthermore, all native files for any designs you upload for sale via TemplateCloud are hosted and protected on our own servers.