What’s your DesignRank®?
What’s your DesignRank®?
How do I know which of my designs sell the most?
DesignRank® Analytics gives you the insight you need to understand how your design portfolio ranks amongst the many thousands of designs showcasing on,, and soon across other European sites.You can draw information such as how often your designs are viewed, which design converts best and which of your designs sell the most. Your DesignRank® is calculated based upon your design’s popularity with end customers visiting the different sites and will change daily as more customers visit and more sales come through.
Sign in to your TemplateCloud account and you’ll find all these figures and more at your fingertips under the Analytics tab on your Dashboard.

How should I use this information?
You can use this information to help you when building new designs to give them a better chance of selling. Spot trends in designs and industries that sell well and replicate them in new collections you put together to give them more selling power. You can also create more variations of your top selling designs such as different colours, different page orientation, single or double sided. This will give end customers more flexibility and increase the chance of them buying one of the designs . For more help on how to produce designs that sell well, read our Tips & Tricks section.